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About LitterPick.UK

We wish this site weren't necessary. But while there is litter along our streets, on our beaches and in the countryside, there will be those who give of their time and energy to tackle the problem and make our land a cleaner, safer, more pleasant place for people and wildlife alike.

We're here to help put those litter-pickers in touch with one another, to provide support, advice and encouragement. To let each other know when group events are taking place, and to act as a record of those generous individuals who do so much to tackle the problem. We can document both group and individual picks, so that over time we can provide evidence of the scale of the littering problem, and of the thousands of hours put in by volunteers in every corner of the UK.

This site does not set out to be another social media channel - there are plenty of those. This is targetted at providing information to pickers, groups, environmental and government bodies (at both local and national levels).

The developers, authors and contributors are litter pickers ourselves. We do this in our "spare" time in the hope that we can inspire, encourage and assist our colleagues in cleaning up whatever and wherever is littered; to make litter-picking more and more a socially acceptable activity and, in so doing, make littering wholly unacceptable and discourage those who would otherwise throw their rubbish on the street from doing so. Our dream is for a litter-free society where none of us need reach for our litter-pickers and sacks!

You are welcome to browse the pages as a visitor, but we hope that you will - if you've not already - take the plunge and start collecting litter yourself. If you do, it will really help us - and you - if you can sign up as a member. You may share a little info about yourself if you wish, but there's no obligation. It's free, safe and private. As above, we run this site in our spare time. We're not staff of some huge charity or business, so if you need to contact us, be patient - we may be busy! We are able - for now at least - to fund this ourselves, but there are costs involved in running any website. If you sign-up, we'll give you a link where you may - if you wish, donate just £1.00 via PayPal to help with the running costs. Any donations received in excess of this will be passed back to litter picking groups around the country to help support their activities. We're committed to being open about our finances and you can find out more here.

The site is very much a work in progress, features are being added all the time - so watch this space, and let us know if there's more you would like to see.

/\Future plans

We already have a long list of things we intend to add, to make this site more useful, easier to use, more secure:
  • Mapping will include not only static maps, but "timelines". These will be animated maps that show a month's worth of litter-picking activity, the markers fading as they grow older. As well as a "snapshot" of where litter is being collected, you'll see dynamically when picks are taking place. Options for other time periods will be available eventually too.
  • Groups will immediately have their own personalised website addresses, such as WimbledonWombles.LitterPick.UK ... these are generated automatically and completely free-of-charge. These sites will incorporate the full LitterPick.UK functionality, but include group-specific news and info on the home page, maps focussed on the group centre. This facility allows local groups to promote themselves better within their communities, with a full-featured professional website. Group admins will also have access to custom email addresses, so they can send email from (e.g.) WimbledonWombles@LitterPick.UK and have emails sent to that address redirected to one or more group admin addresses; again, all for free. (We may need to impose some limits on the number of emails sent, in order to protect LitterPick.UK from accusations of spam etc). The custom web addresses for groups will be there from launch date. In due course you'll be able to customise site colour schemes, fonts, and background images to match any existing "branding" and emphasise the local nature of your site.
  • Integrate What3Words so that we can display meeting points for picks using W3W, and so people can report litter hotspots etc Done 13-02-22
  • To combat spam and abuse, members may join a maximum of 5 groups. People within a group abusing the system can be banned by group admins; any banned memberships still count towards their limit of 5 groups, and once banned they cannot un-join that group. Spammers will quickly find their accounts locked and unusable.
  • Users, and group admins, will be able to download their picking data in common spreadsheet formats. This will allow them to analyse their statistics however they wish, and some local councils like litter returns in spreadsheet format.
  • We'll be inviting guest bloggers to write for us, and feature these monthly or weekly. We'll be seeking input from national groups like Keep Britain Tidy, from politicians and decision makers, and from celebrity litter-pickers. We'll need your help to suggest authors and help us get in touch.
  • We hope to have some pages on "best practice" - things like template Risk Assessments (with advice on how to tailor them for your own situations), on insurance options, on working with your local Council, fast-food outlets and much more. Again, we'll need input from you as members to create these resources.
  • Users will be able to report specific littered areas (not fly-tipping) so we can see not only what's been picked up, but locations that need urgent attention. Local groups or individuals can then target those places. Mapping will optionally show litter hotspots, including on the timeline animations.

Derek Pattenson, Webmaster

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  1. This site does not use cookies, with the exception of a single cookie to flag your acceptance of these terms. Connection to the site is via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols to protect your data. Passwords are not stored in plain text, and cannot be recovered. In the event of loss we can generate a new random password for you.
  2. The only personal information we store is your username, password, and outer postcode. If we collect demographic information (age, gender etc), this is optional and done only at signup and your responses are not stored or connected to your user data; they are used purely for statistical analysis. Contact details are never made available through the site.
  3. LitterPick.UK uses web server log files. These files contain internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser agent information, date/time stamp and requested page addresses. This data is used to analyze trends, administer the site and diagnose faults. IP addresses and other logged information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable. We will never sell, share or disclose any information to third parties unless required by law to do so.
  4. This is a non-profit project. Any views or opinions expressed explicitly or implicitly on this site are personal and belong to the author named and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations that the owner may be associated with in a personal or professional capacity. Any views are not intended to malign or cause offence to any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, company or individual. All content on the site is provided for informational or educational purposes only. The owner makes no representations about the accuracy or completeness of any information in the site nor for the availabilty of the whole or any part of the site. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the display or use of this site.
  5. Textual content throughout the site is the copyright © of its contributor. Images uploaded to the site become the copyright © of LitterPick.UK unless explicitly captioned otherwise.
  6. This site is wholly separate from Google. However it depends on Google's mapping services and we can take no responsibility for the availability or otherwise of Google's services. Click on "Map Data" or "Terms of Use" links on individual maps for further information.
  7. These terms and conditions last updated May 2021
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