Map Groups, Pickers, Events (and Litter)
Enter search location in the form below. You may enter a postcode, town name, What3Words, or lat/lng pair (e.g. 50.123,-1.234)
Yellow circle is 10 miles radius from search centre.
Key: Litter picker:
(with * = Me)
Key: Active Group:
Proposed Group:
Dormant Group:
(with * = My groups)
Key: Reported:
(with * = Reported by me)
Key: Future pick:
(with * = My pick)
Key: Past Pick:
(with * = My pick)
From 1 to 30 days ago, fainter=older.
Mapping will ultimately show not only individuals and groups, but also planned litter-pick events and reported litter hot-spots. You'll be able to filter to show just
your picks, your group's picks, or everything. A unique feature is the animated time-lines:
showing picks and litter appearing and disappearing over a selected period (week, month, year - currently just the past 30 days).
Picks will appear on the day they happen, and "fade out" over the following days. This results in a dynamic view of picking activity that isn't available elsewhere,
and help to show seasonal trends and impacts of holidays and national events etc.